
Translations:Gerinnungssystem/7/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
The actual coagulation process - like primary haemostasis - is triggered by the vessel and tissue injury and activated in two different ways:
It is activated at the site of injury at the same time that the complex platelet processes are taking place. Its much slower process ends in the formation of [[fibrin/en|fibrin]] threads that weave through the wound plug like a net and are usually also deposited in the immediate vicinity of the plug, including many [[erythrozyt/en|erythrocyte]]s.
* exogenous or extravascular way ([[Extrinsic-System/en|Extrinsic System]])
* endogenous or intravascular way ([[Intrinsic-System/en|Intrinsic System]])

Aktuelle Version vom 22. Februar 2022, 12:40 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Gerinnungssystem)
Es wird zur gleichen Zeit, während der sich die komplexen Plättchenvorgänge abspielen, am Ort der Verletzung aktiviert. Sein deutlich langsamer ablaufende Prozess endet in der Ausbildung von [[Fibrin]]fäden, die den Wundpfropf netzartig durchspinnen und sich in der Regel auch in der näheren Umgebung des Pfropfes ablagern, wobei auch viele [[Erythrozyt]]en mit eingeschlossen werden.
ÜbersetzungIt is activated at the site of injury at the same time that the complex platelet processes are taking place. Its much slower process ends in the formation of [[fibrin/en|fibrin]] threads that weave through the wound plug like a net and are usually also deposited in the immediate vicinity of the plug, including many [[erythrozyt/en|erythrocyte]]s.

It is activated at the site of injury at the same time that the complex platelet processes are taking place. Its much slower process ends in the formation of fibrin threads that weave through the wound plug like a net and are usually also deposited in the immediate vicinity of the plug, including many erythrocytes.