Tricuspid Valve

Version vom 16. April 2019, 22:31 Uhr von (Diskussion) (Auto-translated text.)
Deutsch • ‎English

The atrioventricular valve between right atrium and right ventricle. With the help of sails it closes the right ventricle against the atria during contraction.

It consists of three soft connective tissue sails, the anterior cuspis, posterior cuspis and septalis cuspis. The sails spring from the right Anulus fibrosus, one of the four fibrous rings of the heart that surround the heart valves.

The sails of the tricuspid valve are attached to the papillary muscles located towards the chamber by tendon threads (Chordae tendineae).

As the pressure in the right chamber increases, the flap sails lie passively, flush against each other. The papillary muscles prevent the valve from turning into the right atrium, with the resulting reflux (regurgitation), due to their contraction taking place shortly before and the resulting tension on the tendon threads.

Pathologie der Trikuspidalklappe: Eine Verengung der zwischen den Klappensegeln gelegenen Öffnung wird als Trikuspidalstenose bezeichnet. Ein Verlust der Schließfähigkeit der Klappensegel führt zur Trikuspidalinsuffizienz. Ein (sehr seltenes) komplettes Fehlen der Klappe wird als Trikuspidalatresie bezeichnet. (Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0)