Bark Fields

Deutsch • ‎English

The so-called bark fields can be located on the cerebral cortex. These are associations of nerve cells with similar functions. However, they cannot be distinguished from each other externally. According to function, a distinction is made between motor and sensory bark fields as well as association fields.

The motor cortical fields contain neurone, which have connections to all skeletal muscles and control their function. In the sensory bark fields lie the neurons, which process the sensory impressions of all sensory organs that are transmitted to the brain.

The association fields bring together the emotions of the various bark fields and process them into motor, emotional and intellectual reactions.

Primary and secondary bark fields are distinguished in the motor and sensory bark fields.

The primary bark fields have a kind of point-to-point connection to the periphery of the body. They thus send their signals to the individual skeletal muscles or receive impulses from the various receptors.

Experiences, memories and action sequences are stored in the secondary bark fields. These guarantee the execution of complex motion sequences such as writing or the interpretation of incoming information such as the recognition of letters during reading.

The associative fields of the cerebrum serve the integration, i.e. the combination and further processing of sensory impressions and motor action drafts. The principle applies: the more complicated the process, the more bark fields are involved. In the cerebrum, therefore, analyses of the various bark fields are assembled to form an overall picture. The association fields claim about 75% of all cerebrum neurons, the individual bark fields, each account for a maximum of 5%, with which they represent the largest neuron system, which also assumes the instinct and consciousness motivations (being awake, resting sleep, dream sleep), which brings about mental achievements, can freely retrieve memory contents and expressively intervenes in the environment via motor activity. DocCheck Flexikon)