Actors in the Distribution of Pharmaceuticals (Switzerland)

Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Akteure in der Distribution von Arzneimitteln (Schweiz) und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

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Manufacturers and importers:

Manufacturers and importers of pharmaceuticals ensure that pharmaceutical products are available to patients in sufficient quantity and quality. They are the starting point for the distribution of medicines by directly or indirectly supplying all other players with their products to wholesalers (wholesalers):

The 'wholesalers (wholesalers) ensure that medicines are passed on to doctors, pharmacies and hospitals. They offer a wide range of additional services for all customer groups. The largest wholesaler in Switzerland is Galexis AG.

Doctor suppliers: The doctor suppliers have specialized in the direct supply of doctors. They not only supply medicines to self-dispensing physicians, but also offer a wide range of other products such as laboratory supplies, consumables and office supplies. If a prescription is available, some doctors' suppliers also deliver medicines directly to the patient by mail order: mail order is the specialist in the direct delivery of medicines to patients. A medical prescription is required. The mail order business offers patients attractive additional services such as direct invoicing with the health insurance companies, home care of patients, social insurance service, etc..

Pharmacies and drugstores: The pharmacies and drugstores are responsible for supplying the population with prescription and over-the-counter medicines. They have a dense network of sales outlets. In terms of value, about 2/3 of all prescription medicines are distributed via pharmacies.

Self-dispensing physicians (SD physicians): In most Swiss cantons, all or some of the practice physicians are allowed to run their own patient pharmacies. There are about 3800 such self-dispensing doctors. In terms of value, 20-25% of prescription medicines are delivered to patients by SD physicians.

Approximately 10% of the drugs are needed in hospitals. They receive their medicines either directly from manufacturers/importers or via wholesalers.

Old people's homes and nursing homes: Old people's homes and nursing homes generally obtain their medicines from a specialised pharmacy. Rarely is the purchase through the wholesale trade or directly from the manufacturer.