
Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Anamnese und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

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History of a disease.

During an anamnesis, the patient's medical history is recorded in relation to his or her current complaints. A careful anamnesis also does not include purely medical, i.e. biological, psychological and social aspects. The information obtained from the anamnesis often provides indications of causal relationships and risk factors.

Recommendation for anamnesis in the emergency medical service:

The anamnesis should not unnecessarily delay the start of therapy. On the other hand, the anamnesis is often decisive for therapy and diagnosis. In situations with unstable circulation or with foreign anamesis in resuscitation, however, an anamnesis should be taken as quickly as possible in a structured manner.

In addition to the first question about the acute course of events, which also serves to establish contact with the patient and documents empathic behaviour, the curious word "AMPEL" helps to determine the essential anamnesis data as quickly as possible and in a structured manner:

Allergies, medications, pre-existent diseases, course of events (supplements to the first enquiries), last meal.

This structured anamnesis survey to internalize helps you to have asked everything essential for the acute illness and to the therapy without having to think long. Especially in the stressful situation at the beginning of an emergency management, something essential is often overlooked. For example, you always know whether you would have to expect reflux during intubation, whether you have to fear drug allergies or interactions (e.g. isoptin intake and you wanted to give ß-blockers...).

An extended patient anamnesis beyond the AMPEL curse is carried out in patients with stable circulation in order to substantiate a suspected diagnosis. This would include e.g. questions on risk factors, social anamesis, workplace anamesis, exact enquiries on pre-existing conditions and their specific course, etc.