Blood Pressure Measurement

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Blood pressure measurement is recommended in an emergency situation as soon as a pulse is palpable.

The blood pressure measurement provides a result for the assessment of the circulatory situation (in addition to clinic, pulse and ECG). The classic method in rescue services is blood pressure measurement according to Riva-Rocci. Often this blood pressure measurement according to Riva-Rocci is not possible or too time-consuming due to noise and vibration at the scene of the accident or when transporting the patient in an ambulance or helicopter. A quick overview especially of the shock patient can be obtained by touching the radial pulse, the groin pulse and the carotid pulse.

The following approximate blood pressure values apply: If the carotid pulse can be palpated, the systolic blood pressure is approx. 60mmHg, if the groin pulse can be palpated, the systolic blood pressure is approx. 60mmHg, if the groin pulse can be palpated, the systolic blood pressure is approx. 60mmHg. Blood pressure value at approx. 80mmHg, if the radial pulse is palpated, the syst. Blood pressure mostly over 80mmhg