
Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Eizelle und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Deutsch • ‎English

The egg cell (lat. ovum, majority: ova) or oocyte (gr. Oos, egg; cytos, cell) is the female germ cell of two-sex organisms. It serves the generative multiplication by Oogamie and contains all genetic plants of the female being, which are passed on to the descendants. Egg cells are haploid cells and therefore contain only one set of chromosomes.

While the male gamet, e.g. the sperm, only contributes nuclear DNA to the formation of the zygote, the oocyte usually provides the general cellular environment such as the cytoplasm and the organelles present in it.

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eizelle (Wikipedia CC-by-sa-3.0)