Electromechanical Dissociation (EMD)

Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Elektromechanische Dissoziation (EMD) und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Deutsch • ‎English

In EMD (electromechanical dissociation) or PEA (pulseless electrical activity), there are usually regular rhythms in the ECG without causing heart action. Mostly EMD or PEA manifest themselves in low-frequency, regular, broad and deformed chamber complexes. Preclinically, EMD can only be diagnosed and defined by a missing pulse. In the clinic, Doppler or echocardiographic control would theoretically be necessary. Each heart rhythm can be clinically electromechanically decoupled and thus correspond to an EMD or PEA (the most common form here would be the bradycardic sinus rhythm in bleeding patients).