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Deutsch • ‎English

Any increase in the volume of body tissue is called a tumour, i.e. both benign and malignant tumours. Therefore, any swelling (edema, cyst, abscess) is basically a tumorous alteration of the tissue. When we speak of neoplasms of body cells, it is neoplasia that can be benign or malignant. The benign neoplasias only grow, can cause problems, for example prevent an important function, but basically do not infiltrate other tissues and do not metastasize.

Malignant tumors can be classified as follows:

  • Carcinomas develop from epithelial structures of the skin or the lining body cavities * Sarcomas are new formations of connective and supporting tissue such as muscles and bones * Neuroendocrine tumors form from the tissues that develop from the neuroectoderm. These are all structures of the central and peripheral nervous system * Hematooncological malignancies (leukaemias and lymphomas) can develop from blood cells * Dysontogenetic tumours can be derived from embryonic tissue or from malformations during tissue differentiation * There are also mixed tumours consisting of epithelial and mesenchymal parts


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