
Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Glomerulus und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

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Capillary balls in the renal corpuscle (Malpighi's corpuscle), also known as arterial miracle net, supplying (vas afferens) and discharging (vas efferens) arterioles.

The capillary walls are externally covered by the epithelial cells of the inner leaf of Bowman's capsule and together they form the filter for the formation of primary urine (see Filtration).

The peritubular capillary network or Vasa recta is connected to the Vas efferens of the glomerular capillary ball. The approximately 2 million glomeruli of both kidneys cause about 170 liters primary urine of blood (900 liters plasma) to flow through the kidneys every day. ([1])