Classification of a Cancer Disease

Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Klassifikation einer Krebserkrankung und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Deutsch • ‎English

Tumours can be classified according to other criteria:- classification according to the degree of malignancy,- classification according to the tumour stage,- combination of different classification systems.Grading according to the degree of malignancy (grading) of a tumour is of great importance for prognosis and therapy planning. Originally, grading was performed according to the number of undifferentiated cells present in the histological cut: grade I = well differentiated, grade II = moderately well differentiated, grade III = poorly differentiated. The classification according to the tumour stage assumes that the tumour disease is initially localised, but can later grow into the environment or cause metastases. The recording of the exact tumor stage provides information about the prognosis of the disease and determines the further procedure for initiating therapy.