Preclinical Stage

Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Präklinik und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Deutsch • ‎English

(a) pre-tests and toxicological tests of a drug prior to its use in humans. The question is pursued:

What really works?

How do the substances in the entire organism react?

A drug has to be examined in detail to determine how it behaves in an entire organism. It must be clarified how it is absorbed, distributed, metabolized if necessary and whether and how it is eliminated. Then it has to be clarified whether the drug actually has a healing or soothing effect on the disease. The duration of effectiveness is also measured. It is also necessary to track down any UAWs. A lot of information can only be studied on a whole organism. Since it is not ethically justifiable to test new drugs directly on humans, they are first tested on animals.

b) The situation of treatment of an emergency before admission to the clinic