Algorithms of Resuscitation/Emergency Therapy

Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Algorithmen der Reanimation/Notfalltherapie und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

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Algorithms and guidelines represent therapy recommendations supported by scientifically proven findings. In addition, they offer a therapy recommendation of the professional societies in cases where there is no sufficiently reliable data available. The knowledge of these therapy recommendations is an indispensable prerequisite for a rationally justified therapy under time pressure and the dangers for patient and doctor in emergency medicine.

The therapy recommendations for the most frequent cardiac emergency situations are presented to the trainee in the present CD by means of realistic simulations of emergency doctor deployments in typical emergency situations. The trainee is required to transfer the algorithms into the concrete situation. Put yourself in the position of the emergency physician and carry out the emergency therapy to the best of your knowledge within the framework of the recommendations.

The physician and the trainee with this CD are expected to do much more in emergency therapy than simply implementing guidelines in the therapy. Emergency therapy means emergency management appropriate to the situation. Keeping an overview of the situation and keeping calm at the same time is the top priority.

Note: A therapy recommendation or a therapy algorithm, which as a rule also includes diagnostic recommendations, can only be implemented on the patient at the beginning of the therapy. Before the therapy takes place, the workplace must be suitably chosen and the self-protection of the emergency physician and the helper must be ensured.

It is shown how the therapy recommendations can be put into practice. It should be pointed out that knowledge of the algorithms alone is not sufficient to carry out a successful emergency treatment. Here a medical training is required that goes far beyond this recommendation in order to meet the requirements in the concrete emergency situation only within the specifications of the algorithms. A justified deviation from the therapy recommendations, as it is necessary in some emergency situations, is not shown in this CD for didactic reasons and by the choice of emergency situations, but is required by the emergency physician in reality.