Basic Measures of Resuscitation

Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Basismaßnahmen der Reanimation und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

Deutsch • ‎English

The basic resuscitation measures are part of the "Chain of Survival" for emergency patients.

This "chain of survival" at finding an unconscious person means:

Immediate alarming of the emergency physician

Early start of basic resuscitation measures = BLS (basic life support)

Earliest possible defibrillation

Advanced resuscitation measures = ACLS (advanced cardiac life support)

The first-aid measures formerly known as the "ABC rule" are referred to as basic resuscitation measures. After the emergency physician has been alerted, the first-aider begins ventilation and cardiac massage after the unconsciousness of the respiratory and circulatory arrest has been determined. These techniques should be known to everyone and their implementation must be practiced again and again. This will rarely achieve true resuscitation, but the time the patient can successfully resuscitate with defibrillators and the emergency physician's ACLS measures may be prolonged. NOTE: Ratio heart pressure massage : ventilation with single helper - method 15:2, or with double helper - method 30:2. The frequency of heart pressure massage is 100-120/min., which corresponds to an approximate frequency of 70 to 80/min. due to the interruption during ventilation.