Patient Transport

Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Patiententransport und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

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In principle, a patient is only transported after registration at the rescue control centre or in a clinic. As a rule, registration only takes place after a suspicious diagnosis has been made. Üusually only the patient with a stabilized circulation is transported in the emergency systems with an emergency doctor on site.

Exceptions to this are polytraumatised, ongoing resuscitation with hypothermia or pulmonary embolism or situations in which no foreseeable stabilisation can be expected in the appropriate time. Here, "scoop and run" applies, the guiding principle of emergency systems without an on-site emergency physician. The "golden half an hour" as the target of transport time for trauma patients should not be exceeded unnecessarily in other emergencies.